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The Grad Post, Spring 2023, Students with Disabilities Advocacy Group

A. Shea Hall, Student Liaison, Master of Science, Experimental Psychology

Tell us about your role in the Students with Disabilities Advocacy Group.

My name is Shea, and my role is to be a liaison between the graduate student body and the Students with Disabilities Advocacy group. We recently realized we are mainly a group consisting of undergraduate students, and we want to expand our advocacy on campus to include all students – and my position is part of our initiative to do so!

Tell us about the mission of the Students with Disabilities Advocacy Group.

Our primary mission is to create a safe haven and community for disabled students. Our secondary mission is to educate and advocate regarding disabilities and accessibility needs. We welcome disabled students and our able-bodied allies!

What are a few of the programs/events/support resources your group offers?

We offer biweekly meetings which have discussion topics and are offered in person and online. We also offer weekly study groups for SDAG members on the first floor of Henderson library on Thursdays at 5. We also have social events such as group dinners and Disabilities After Dark events for students to meet and discuss topics we care about.

Tell us about how current graduate students can get involved in the Students with Disabilities Advocacy Group?

Graduate students can join our Discord, which is our most social chat we have at the moment. They can also join our GroupMe and follow our social media accounts to keep up with events and topics we are focusing on! You can find all of these through our LinkTree:

Is there anything else you can share with us about the Students with Disabilities Advocacy Group.

Some of our most attended events include our Disabilities after Dark events where we discuss various topics related to disabilities and accessibility. We welcome all our members of the community (not just those who identify as disabled, but also our able-bodied allies!) to come discuss with us!

One of our most attended Disabilities after Dark events, and some previous topics have been on chronic pain, rare diseases, disabled employment, and more! Keep an eye out on our socials for upcoming discussions!


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